Saturday, March 24, 2012


Springtime is an extremely busy time for the hubs work. Quality time is more important than ever, especially now that we have Owen.  The weather has been amazing and we took full advantage Friday afternoon.  Throwing a quilt out in the backyard and just laying under the clouds with our baby boy.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I've decided

That these are a must have.

via Jane

Mint seriously would go with everything! And such a nice switch up from white jeans.

Love the whole outfit actually. Love the bag, Love the nail polish, Love the hair tie on the wrist ;). Well played, Jane.

Monday, March 12, 2012

New Neighbor

Guess who's moving in?

We are soooo excited!! This has been so long overdue and WS will treat you so right Joe! :) xoxo!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It never ends...

My love for Jon Hamm.

Who, me?

Sweet boy a few weeks back. Things change so fast, hair is filling in on top now! Poor guy ;) All his dad wants his to him to have some luscious locks. Soon enough papa!

Emily Elrod was gracious enough to come spend her morning photographing O and couldn't get one smile out of him. He is such a trickster. Then, of course all afternoon he was smiles! Ahh, silly boy. Check her out - she is pretty great.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Doing OK

Well we are 3 weeks into working mom and one word to describe it would have to be tough. O hasn't been the best sleeper these past few weeks and we are doing our best to stay to a routine at night and get him to sleep before he "melts". Melts=meltdown=no fun.

But we are doing ok, right buddy? My girlfriend, and co-super mama sent me this link to a video that just about sums it up.

It's ok, you can cry, I did. ;)