Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I Like Your Style.

I have never been much of a fan of Miss Alba's, but the pap love her. The girl is in US Weekly or People every week. I am enjoying this outfit, accessories including the pellegrino, yum. It would be something I think I could rock in this 100+ heat index days. Yesh.
However, this weekend is calling for high 80's and no rain so I am going to pool it all weekend. My heart may be longing for fall, but I'm going to take the rays while I can.
Happy Hump day! We are almost to the weekend. The only thing that would make my day would be to win this fabulous giveaway from the fab Lil Bee with these awesome gals!


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I saw this the other day and totally swooned. It's the perfect example of casual chic!

micah said...

love that outfit!