Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gracias So much

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I talked about my Cabo trip for 3 months and just realized, ya'll might like a Cabo post.
It was beautiful and I would go back in a heartbeat (with the hubs -- ps he told me to say that). No rain/clouds just sun/hot/tans for days. We truly had a blast and it was a fantastic trip.

The big birthday was celebrated. frequently.

Fiesta Dinner night with my lovely travel mates. The best friends a girl could ask for (minus 2!)

Pretty water, no swimming!

ahhh the pool.

the hubs says "My wife went to cabo and all I got was this AWESOME nacho libre mask." I am awesome.

salsa much?

beautiful views.

She got a big tip.

Our last night.

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